Saturday, May 22, 2010

The City Chickens

I feel giddy! We have two guys that live down the street that build sheds etc for a living and often throw their scraps etc on a heap before taking it to the dump (or where ever it goes). Randomly I walk the two blocks with the wagon and bring home a few boards for crafts and evening fires.
Well, yesterday I set about to use up those scrap 2x4s, determined not to have to buy any, and made the frame/studs for the tiniest chicken coop on the front range! :) I have 4 little chicks that are outgrowing their tote in the breeze way and need an outdoor arrangement. I did it! The frame work is complete and I did not spend a thing! The only thing that I need to buy at the moment are screws because I ran out, one short so I found a long enough nail to do the trick. (it's called making do with what you have on hand)
Last night we took a family walk down those two blocks again in search of boards for the sides. What a gold mine! He was cleaning up the place, loading up a trailer with sundry items that were begging me for a better life! I now have the siding, the shingles, some things that-I-forget-what-they-are-called to use for a feed trough, and what makes me shiver with glee are the weathered panels of privacy fence that are now proudly hiding "out back" waiting my eager hands and brain! I've been wishing for old barn boards for all those lovely things I see around but can't find any without having to pay dearly for them. Now, I have stacks...FREE!!! I told Nev that my only problem is that I have so many now that in my happiness of mind, I can't think of what to make first!
Back to the chickens! My goal is to construct a well made, look-nice-enough-even-to-city-people, nearly expense free chicken coop and I nearly have it accomplished! My dear friend says she has the wire I need for the run so I even have that covered! I am ecstatic! I don't have any picts yet but perhaps when I get to the next faze I'll remember my camara.
For now, I need to go clean the church house.