Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wow. I don't know if anyone even looks at this blog any more. I haven't. So why should you? I have a long list of reasons why not. But half of them I don't believe you have any need of knowing. So I'll give two that are predominate, 1. no internet for a year, 2. I became mother of not only 2 girls but now the most delightful little boy I have ever met!
  While I'm totally in love with that little boy and I dearly love having that little boy, he does not make my life a life of ease! He's a good baby...'cept at night. You know all those books and friends with "the" way to make a baby sleep all night? Yeah. It's like he's read them, before he came out of my womb. Then made his life goal to destroy those theories.
  I know some of you are going to faint and say I've obviously not....who knows what I've not....he is now officially a year old and still gets up 1-3 times a night. Yup, I've been told before "There is absolutely no reason a 1 year old should still be getting up..." Trust me, I agree. But he doesn't.

   I took great comfort several weeks ago to have talked to one of my many mom's in this world and she just chuckled while telling me that her oldest didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 years old! Alright. Finally someone who knows the feeling! Her son turned out quite independent so I suppose eventually mine will too.
  But I didn't open this page with my non-sleeping-through-the-night-baby in mind. I was actually planning to post a recipe I revamped to fit the food allergies in this house. I admit to not finding much joy in the kitchen these days. I once really did enjoy cooking and baking but now...I've lost the toss. I get so dreadfully bored of food when I can't use cheese (love cheese), peanuts aren't so bad, I've even found eggs aren't too hard to live without but that dairy and wheat I can't seem to get them out of my life with ease.
  So, since it's not gluten as a problem I use oatmeal a lot to replace cracker crumbs etc. Hence:

Naked Poor Man's Steak
Replace the cracker crumbs with oatmeal
Fry without rolling in flour first
Make a beef gravy with beef stock thickened with cornstarch to replace the cream of mushroom
Bake as usual
Serve as usual
Enjoy as usual!

It's quite good we thought. I grew up serving it with white rice. Nev grew up serving everything on potatoes. I chose fried potatoes this time since it's his favorite and I needed something he would enjoy in case these Poor Naked Man's Steak didn't turn out delightful!

 Now I'm off to make popcorn for the girls. Which, by the way, is quite good with melted butter and maple syrup drizzled on then baked like caramel corn. A good alternative and healthy!