Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Any-one-can-make-this Ice Cream

I did not take any pictures of this because it was all an experiment and I don't think of a camera when I have no idea if it will turn out anyway.

 I'll start off by saying that this was instigated by my need of dairy/gluten free food in my kitchen. How do you have deserts that are loved by a picky 3 year old that do not contain these? I can always buy the ice cream that way but its so expensive and who knows whats slowly killing her via the chemicals that preserve it! Like I heard on a movie, a kid was saying the properties of preservatives and how he figures if he eats enough twinkies he'll live for about 1,000 years!
Anyway, the ice cream.

Whatever kind of milk you have, cows, goat, almond...etc, etc, put it in the blender. If you don't have a blender, use an electric mixer as if making whip cream. Add a sweetener of your choice and the best for our girls is to add several strawberries. Blend  until it's good and foamy. I put blender and all into the freezer for the next several hours. Blend it real good again. Put back in freezer....continue this till it reaches the frozen state you prefer. I usually serve as a milk shake or I'd have to wait for so long!
Leftovers freeze fine though and my girls eat it either way, soft or hard.

For our church potluck I knew there wouldn't be any desert for Tori so I put a container in a small ice box and she still had desert at the park. She thought it was pretty cool actually, wandering around with her container telling everyone she had her own ice cream made with goats milk! (sitting down to eat is not preferred posture in her etiquette book)

I feel so much better giving them this ice cream than store bought. I control what goes in, how much sweetener their gut has to process and the flavor is so easy to change. No need to finish up the vanilla before we can go buy the chocolate. ;)
To end all this, I have admit that I still prefer creamy hard serve ice cream from a good shoppe! (in a waffle cone)


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, I'll have to give it a try!!! It'd make a great summer treat, and right now that's what we need!! It so hot!!:)


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