Saturday, June 26, 2010


I just read through this amazing ladies post and thought I'd share it. It really struck home with me in more ways than one, mostly the part of parenting by shame. How well I know it's sting and I strive to eliminate it from effecting my own parenting.
All I can say more is to affirm that shaming a child will never have good results. I could say so much about its effects but I would rather you read her insight and not have my ramblings distract from it. Just remember, if you ever intentionally shame your child, you are driving them away from you. They will retreat, and loose their respect and trust in you.
She is an excellent photographer as well, which always catches my eye.

Long Post [such an original title]. | resolved2worship on Xanga


  1. Wow--that is just the most incredible article I have ever read! I'm so so glad you shared it! I read parts of it out loud to hubby and we were both so blessed..and convicted in some ways too.

    Her photography is mind boggling! Thanks again for sharing this. I plan to share a bit of it later myself.

    Life changing!

    Donna @ Comin' Home

  2. I have started reading that article, and just want to say THANKS for posting it! I'm going to get my cup of coffee and sit down and read it entirely in a minute. From what I have skimmed, I LOVE what she's getting across. I want to have that kind of attitude as a mom.

    "I believe one of the main ways we hinder the "little children coming to Jesus" is by control based parenting ~ Indoctrination and parent centered parenting vs. Christ centered, Christ led, humble loving relationships with our children."

    SO TRUE!


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