Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I don't even remember where I first read about doing this but I did see another version of it recently. It's so easy and you don't have to worry about chemicals, getting it on your skin or breathing it in.
I have garlics growing so I dug one up, sliced it into hot water and let it soak over night.

The other ingredients you can add for more kick are, slices of onion and any form of hot pepper. I just used chili powder since I don't have any other pepper on hand.
Strain out the "debris", put in a spray bottle and use.

The main thing I use it on is my roses. They get covered in aphids to the point that the rose bud is almost white, and gross! I sprayed this stuff on liberally and within a day or two nearly all of them are gone!

As it is with any natural, organic thing, it takes a little more work, a little more patience! Rain will wash it off, sometimes you have to spray more often and you can't just pick it off a shelf, take it home and use. But it really works!
What it won't work on that I've read it will, is to keep city raccoons out of your garden OR your chicks!!! I dumped out the debris all around my chicks cage and that night, even before it was dark, we lost a chick to that evil coon! So I figure that these city rascals are quite immune to strong scent! They were also digging in my garden after it was sprayed. But I haven't had any rabbits now that I think of it. When we first moved here there were a few rabbits that would run through the yard. Either this works or my chasing them a block down the street did the trick! Yeah, I'm not a very good city chick...


  1. I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi! Thanks for the recipe....We have horrible city raccoons too!

  2. Very interesting recipe! I have some azaleas that the bugs seem to want to infest. I wonder if it would repel cutter ants! They eat every tree and bush they can get into at our house.


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